Most people who hear or play a sound long Denon are known as a good brand, the next level. But that is not the reason why Denon can be compared with the Beats in popularity and sell more headphones. The great thing is Denon has changed, it is clear from the headset design, packaging way to approach customers of the earpiece year has other very much. And as a result we have the earpiece with Denon quality and stylish designs. Compared with the D7000 is the elder version or the Denon headphones before, we can see D7100 complete change of style. The high-end luxury and classic due to the large array of wood is no longer available. We see modern silver, reddish highlights and only a part inside the timber. Wireless speakers longer sticky died, in the D7100 is of Denon attached 2-wire, a high-grade copper and fiber to you love to available mobile phone mic. The wires are gold plated and high quality, sophisticated. Large wire wire outside while small, is rubber. Foam ring around the speaker not to like the D7000 version before, it's a little smaller and made of foam coated with thin skin out. D7100 barely cover the ear speaker. Within this speaker is not a circle but can rotate around to help us feel comfortable to wear. Yet mobile audio is part of that approach very soon but I do not intend to share with you more about the sound quality of the D7100. It seems he is not ready for it. I would like to extract some information on the D7100 and Parties 7xu.vn be distributed Denon headphones as well as where you want the D7100 to you to read through. Design: + Frames silver-plated fiberglass, luxury light, strong, anti-vibration. + Natural wood Earcub Mahogany from Africa with the easy to bend, so beautiful, high acoustic properties (Used to make musical instruments: violin, cello, piano ...) + Pad foam the leather sea outside, embrace the ear feels comfortable and not hot. + Monitor Driver 50mm diameter made of nanowires, technical application without attaching to eliminate tremor. + Wire detachable DC => recable => increase sound quality. Sound: _Electric: Headamp M3, Dac Muicland 01mini _Nhac: "Color to the moon - Allon Taylor" "Stike up the band - The bassface swing trio" "Quizas Quiez El niche - Omara Portuondo" "Wellcome Hotel California (Live) - Eagle" Music + Music School + Due to the special design D7100 for wide soundstage, airy. When you close your eyes listen "Wellcome hotel California" like the current stage, not very real time music replay. + D7100 has the ability to layer so great, we can identify the location of each instrument sound (music instrument background, any policy instrument) Bass: + Very unexpected drums in the song "Strike up the band," beat faster after a powerful, little tail light banks bass but fading feels very natural. Bass volume but not dominate any permissive, language Cymbal drum spread or audible rhythm into space clearly not dimmed. + The hardest part in this is curved Forum-meter-bass (the instrument is always a challenge for any music device), D7100 treatment very good reason there was no buzzing or um cause even in the climax tachycardia even require the depth of bass => bass is a perfect score best of D7100: down very deep, powerful, well controlled. Mid: + Always the most unforgettable of Denon, particularly for those who have heard the D2000-D5000-D7000. There is a thick mid slightly backward and adhered to the singer's voice becoming borrow that, sweet. Singing as the lyrics told the story of Allan Taylor in "Color to the moon" become more emotional. + Not only excellent at mid low (central depression), D7100 also shows mid high (secondary) excludes inferior. In the song "Power of Love" Celine Dion voice clear that high claws. Can hear clearly every lip sync or get a bit of a singer. \ Treble: + The main weakness of the line headphones denon D2000-D5000-D7000, but for the D7100 it was much more complete. No more roll-off in treble or glare. Treble of the D7100 to a sponge, and infections of detail is very good. Thank 7xu.vn lent his earpiece to hand. Galleria.loadTheme ('/ js / Tinhte / Galleria / themes / folio / galleria.folio.min.js'); $ ("# Galleria_1676156854"). Galleria ({ imageCrop: false, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, fullscreenTransition: 'fade' }); Galleria.run ('# galleria_1676156854'); ...
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