Describe how the BKAV Safe Zone Currently, the number of computer viruses increasingly proliferate outside our control, especially when the contents are very widely shared and disseminated in a variety of different sources. This indirectly helped the spread of the virus and more. Therefore, the company BKAV recently introduced online virus scanning service name BKAV Safe Zone so that users can actively check a file that does not need to have security software installed on your computer . How use Safe Zone BKAV very simple, users only need to access address http://safezone.bkav.com.vn and select the files you need to scan is finished (maximum 20 files, total size under 20MB ), or we can also scan a link (for example Tinhte.vn), MD5 code with which to test the safety of them. Try scanning link by BKAV Safe Zone Online virus scanning tool of Bkav help users not to install anti-virus software can quickly check their files received in email or downloaded from the Internet. Bkav Safe Zone is not a substitute for anti-virus software to protect the system, but can wipe individual files. If after scanning and detection of malicious code, users should download anti-virus software and deep scan of the entire computer to be fully protected. According statistics Bkav, only since early 2012 in Vietnam, per day to 215,000 computers infected with the virus, corresponding to 6.4 million infected computers per month. The system watching the virus of Bkav also for that, every month 3,000 new computer viruses appear. Virus can spread so much is due to the spread of malicious code is becoming more sophisticated, while the computer was not installed antivirus software. Most of the methods of communication over the Internet are being used to spread the virus. Most recently, experts Bkav gave the warning even text file is no longer safe. A series of computer systems in the body, Vietnamese enterprises have been infected with spyware (spyware) after the user opens the text file. Doc,. Xls,. Ppt email attachments. Vu Ngoc Son, Director of Research Division of Bkav (Bkav R & D), said to help reduce the spread of computer viruses currently, Bkav decided to offer free the Safe Zone Bkav solution. To check suspicious files with Safe Zone Bkav, users do not need to install any software that just access SafeZone.vn, upload files to check for scanning. Bkav Safe Zone will check virus signatures latest from manufacturers and return the result to the user. This service can support multiple test files during a scan. According BKAV
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