![[Kindle Fire] Rom Mod General ICS and JB [Update 4/8] OTG and Up Guide Rom CM9, from JB Stock, CM7](#EANF#)
The Kernel is the word Rom or red is the first post updated slightly. The gium I noticed you User ROM and JB CM9 from stock rom 6.3 and CM7Method 1: How you get from all of this I used ducpham KF ae because most are made this wayI ask for permission first before I @ ducpham2708 though I no longer current activity with KF again that they ae all vietve quote rom problem for KF.The specific steps will be as followsB1:- For the KF stock rom lower than 6.3, the 0.9.3 I KFU down herehttp://www.4shared.com/zip/JNalpQzq/Kindle_Fire_Utility_v093.html- The stock rom 6.3 or higher down KFU I 0.9.4http://www.4shared.com/zip/SkPKn__F/Kindle_Fire_Utility_v094.html(To see the machine you are using vesion of KF stock rom on the I-More Settings-Device)- Extract and finished down for KFU directory to drive C: \ kfu. Next select the directory install-driver.bat KFU then select run.bat. Done it all and had to be KFU then I print the following order:- Root with BurritoRoot 2.Temperature -> Permanent Root 3.Install with SuperUserSo I have the complete machine root- Particularly with CM7 CM7, all the rom is already present are available and should one use root CM7 rom then you can skip this step NheB2:- Note that here I only guide I'm in the KF Stock rom rom CM7 and blew softly, because in this rom machine 2 is still a kernel 2.xxxx- Down this: http://depositfiles.com/files/p82tgahv7?redirect- Then copy into the KFB3:- Use a file manager app to find the file you just copied into the KF, it is always gscript.zip said. Found then extract. If you extract the folder name is not gscript gscript then rename to.- In the folder gscript Lite.apk GScript run (or nl.rogro.GScriptLite.apk) install finished, open- In the app, then press add choose Script menu, tick the box and select load file Need SU - Then select install firefirefire bootloader.sh and press save, continue to do so again add sript to install twrp recovery.sh B4:- After finished, add your script will return this interface has then add the option 2 above isfirefirefire install bootloader and install twrp recovery After completing the above steps are completed the installation of the I TWRP for KF.Wish everyone success.Done in part on the machine I have installed the TWRP FFF1.3 and 2.1.1. But the last time they updated the XDA FFF1.4a and in consideration of, after the case up FFF1.4a brick machine almost completely gone.Update FFF1.4a:B1: Down 2 thisSmirkit: http://www.mediafire.com/?xc329tjapesb58lRootBrowser: http://www.mediafire.com/?ygvjv7d8o1cnyqcSmirkit after the decompression is complete right down on the computer, copy the folder browser smirkit in KF and always root.B2:Set Root Browser and navigate to the folder and run script smirkit choose hashcodev1.4a_Bootloader.shDone, I can reboot the machine and immediately see the difference when the word Kindle Fire were changed to light green color.So perfect, now you can experience all right CM9.Method 2: This is so much simpler just to do is complete steps 2-3B1: Down 2 thisSmirkit: http://www.mediafire.com/?xc329tjapesb58lRootBrowser: http://www.mediafire.com/?ygvjv7d8o1cnyqcSmirkit finished unpacking right down on the computer and copy to the KF. Be sure to root out Nhe sdcard \ smirkit. Root also copied to your BrowserB2:Installation is complete open root browser and navigate to the folder Smirkit. There are 4 files in. sh but we only need to pay attention to two file Nhe 1 and 21._Hashcodev1.4a_Bootloader.sh2._TWRP_Recovery_v2.1.1_by_TeamWin.shChoose one by one Nhe, then run sript, such as the two finished, I reboot the machine is completed Many new users do not know I have asked about the KF file copy machine shall be stark. I would always guideOn the display screen off to 30m to adjust the machine does not turn off the screen, as at high-volume file cop, to screen off the machine will shut down at 1 meter screen during file cop will lead to trimmer machines, power to go 20 seconds for machine shut down and then power on. Time you want to copy the modified file weighs up 30m off screen, then let it not finished at the self-locking. An urgent problem for many GPs are now using KF CM9, CM10 it is charging problemsThere are two ways to stabilize the charging current and most certainly - Option 1: Connect the charging is completed, the setting-battery if the charger is plugged dischaging then draw back, then press the refresh when it is charging up already, let the machine that is being, or is not up to sign then just let it charge, 2 hours after the battery is full the machine will - Method 2: Turn off computer, plug your USB charging really, the machine boots up itself is ok, as well as the 2h is filled User Guide OTG connection keyboard, mouse and usbWas able to connect keyboard, mouse and usb. But stability is to use wireless keyboard and wireless mouse plugged the Nhe INow I will guide I used OTG- Top google search app busybox, installed on your computer and install the busybox, then a step- Down on the play stickmount store and install- Plug the usb cable or OTG and on the keyboard and mouse. If plugged into the first things they usually will not get your right, just find the driver so the computer started. The finished I reboot into stickmount mount is ok. Next time do not have to mount again, usually the machine will always give us.Note that I need to pay attention to the devices plugged into the KF, the machine is quite fussy about requiring the use of equipment which every genuine. Hang Tung majority of poor quality is not connected toThat's it the steps to be able to use OTG. I wish success.I bought the cable at http://ibuy.vn/ There suntek or branches in both Hanoi and HCMC to reference levels, 40k an OTG cable SetCPU used to adjust the speed of the chip can increase their use- SetCPU: http://www.mediafire.com/?za84oz8rd6lu5uzI know how to make more use SetCPU but I still will teach everyone to doB1: Install and select Autodetect SetCPU speeds .... and select allow root access if asked SetCPU.Step 2: Select the profiles-> select add volume to enable complete profileB3: Select profile screen off, min 300MHz 600MHz max, priority 60. This step is to adjust the lock, the machine will run at 600-300MHz in order to reduce battery consumption. In this ROM has a built-Deamon control also features nearly corresponds to the I SetCPU but you should use SetCPU so it will adjust the profile when we usemachineStep 4: Select the profile Battery <... Here is depending on how I prefer to depending. it has the effect that when the battery is below 15% such that the machine will adjust the chip running at lower battery consumptionSo complete all the steps, I created the first complete, the widget SetCPU outside the screen, it will help us track the speed of computer chips as well as temperature. Rom the following sequence applies to all rom- Make a backup! (May or may not)- Wipe data / factory reset- Wipe the cache- Wipe dalvik- Install ROM- Install Google Apps (the rom JB is required, CM9, subject to each rom) - Wipe cache & dalvik- Reboot[ROM] Jelly Bean CM10 (SGT7) Update 4/8Must use 2.1.1 or higher to TWRP this rom the I light, strong, but everyone I know is not much I do not recall being asked upLink 22/7: http://goo.im/devs/loosethisskin/otter-cm10/cm-10-20120722-0413-SNAPSHOT-otter-sgt7-linaro.zip23/7: http://goo.im/devs/loosethisskin/otter-cm10/cm-10-20120723-0159-SNAPSHOT-otter-sgt7-linaro.zip28/7: http://goo.im/devs/loosethisskin/otter-cm10/cm-10-20120728-1508-SNAPSHOT-otter-sgt7-linaro.zip1/8: http://goo.im/devs/loosethisskin/otter-cm10/cm-10-20120801-0457-SNAPSHOT-otter-sgt7-linaro.zip4/8: http://goo.im/devs/loosethisskin/otter-cm10/cm-10-20120804-0025-SNAPSHOT-otter-sgt7-linaro.zipGAPPS: http://d-h.st/xn2Note that people's GAPPS JB JB must have text in the file name GAPPS light, but with ICS or GB GAPPS not be lightFlash: http://www.mediafire.com/?b846p4zxwpx2zax [ROM] Jelly Bean Glazed 4.1.1 Beta 0.2 Update 23/7Bugs and Rom was still in Beta stage for much less stableBugs: 3.0 kernel bugs Many UI System FC, resolvable In The Future Customization Is glitchy More Report BelowAnd as the author has said if we're in Rom rom CM9 that want to JB when flash is required, please Wipe everythingWipe EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO. Cache, Dalvik Cache, Factory Reset, System. Beta 0.1 Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?kq3nmj8v12vzro9Beta 0.2: http://www.mediafire.com/?5885gi8n8d59cwqFlash: http://www.mediafire.com/?b846p4zxwpx2zax [ROM] Jelly Bean 4.1.1 13/7Rom was developed by the hashcode should promise more stable than the other OS versions and update more often.Looking at this screenshot, the ROM is the most similar rom JB JB bar above their notification that still resembles ICSError still charging for this rom, it will not show the battery charger. People go to setting your battery if charging is chargedBug fixes- Fix HD Codecs- Fix the wifi script- Add a superuser and su binary compatible- Default to 1.2GHz instead of 1GHz CPU- Add Terminal Emulator- Add File Manager- Fix the issue over rotation in frameworks / base (pulled this from | 0xD34D | 's build)- Lower headphone volume a bit- Change Bootanimation (original bootanim N7)Link 13/7: http://rombot.droidhive.com/ROMs/otter/aosp/jb-kfire-hashcode-07-13.zipGAPPS have more flash light.Flash: http://www.mediafire.com/?b846p4zxwpx2zax [ROM] Glazed 6/7Is adding a new rom seem to have many attractive features promised Beats Audio Optimized speed by modding the. Than system Custom Animations Fast bootup Custom Boot Animaton (Made by me from scratch) Volume Slider in Notification Full GAPPS Status bar options SGT7 Removed Useless stuff Changed DPI for a much nicer feel of the OS (Trust me you will love it) Store it shows EVERY Play modded app available in the play store. Also disables Automatic Updates. Custom wallpapers in wallpaper chooser. Modded some images for a crisper, sharper view. Many customizable options in the settings A little mod for better battery life CRT tv animation lock Added a cool weather widget You know because-ICS needs one. Removed ICS boring wall and thay thế with one thats better (Screenshots) Pretty much everything in this forum offer a rom + more.Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?s2njf01ueb48s1bUpdate: http://www.mediafire.com/?pha07bcx4mun1hfLink 6/7: http://www.mediafire.com/?fbkcx7fylr6pxq6 [ROM] Simple CM9 10/6This ROM update that pretty much from the past few days, quite suitable for what I want to play a lot of Gameloft game because I have spoken to built the prop is correct then There should delete the app is pretty much going to help erase a heavy machine Removed a google search (Dont worry one is still there) Removed all Live Wallpapers Removed CM Wallpapers Removed Androidian Theme Removed alot of ringtones Removed Alarm Tones Removed Spare Parts Removed lots of languages Removed Facelock Removed Default Android Videos Video Editor Removed Removed Google Talk Removed Voice Search Removed nagging Setup Wizard (You can login to google account by going into the play store) Removed News and Weather Removed Bug Reporting and Feedback Removed File Manager (Download a new one VIA Play Store) Removed Download Manager (Dont tap while downloading a file browser will crash) Removed Developer ToolsThat should delete the app, people always try to linkLink: http://www.mediafire.com/?0val3yl2dcx7p0f [ROM] CM9 SGT7 3/7This Rom is the XDA shows constantly updated in 3 days and 4,5,7 / 6 but not yet tried it was not clear how this ROM, will now try to see how up Seeing the eyecandy but rom XDA record is found at down to recording it SGT7 here always, considered as such updates.Link:7/6: http://cloud.github.com/downloads/l...-20120607-SNAPSHOT-otter-sgt7based-signed.zip 11/6: http://goo.im/devs/pimpmaneaton/Kindle/EyeCandy_SGT7_KindleFire_pimpmaneaton_v1.0.zip13/6: http://d-h.st/eti3/7: Eye Candy Rom http://goo.im/devs/pimpmaneaton/Kindle/EyeCandy_SGT7_KindleFire_pimpmaneaton_v2.0.zipRom SGT7: http://d-h.st/B9g [ROM] CM9 HashCode STOCK BY KERNEL 3.0 Update 26/5To correct this ROM is different well I used lightly, as installed, then install the latest version on the same GAPPS is okAdd one more information that is in this ROM has a built kernel # 9 and I tried listening to music on the usb it has been very good nge slightly while that of the previous kernel # 8 I do not do it but only 1 some I do. So I see the kernel # 9 is very good for OTG NheThis ROM is included along with kernel hashcode # 9, and that is addressed CM9 stock rom so I think this is going to make more stable than the other version. People try Nhe up- Fix bug turned 270 degrees, there must be both more GPS wifiThe test for my opinion I NheLink http://bit.ly/JC6UBTUpdate 13/5: http://bit.ly/J9uQkEUpdate 26/5: http://bit.ly/L3LCgP Update 6/7: http://rombot.droidhive.com/ROMs/otter/cm9/ [ROM] AOKP Built KF 40 4/6 (installed by TWRP mandatory)Updated M5.1 is considered more stable in Gede battery problem so I can test up ok, do you not have time to upI have a found in this rom there is little speakers. Was it the kernel or not, I see little speakers than normal, max turn to cry thundered then, while still gently turn it back nge not happy earsI invite this Link down:Built 33: http://public.csusm.edu/schef001/aokp_otter_build-33_0xD34D.zipBuilt 34: http://public.csusm.edu/schef001/aokp_otter_build-34_0xD34D.zipBuilt M5: http://goo.im/devs/0xD34D/aokp_otter_build-M5_0xD34D.zipBuilt M5.1: http://www.mediafire.com/?obst498y7bjr1eeBuilt 35: http://goo.im/devs/0xD34D/otter/aokp_otter_build-35_0xD34D.zipBuilt 36: http://goo.im/devs/0xD34D/otter/aokp_otter_build-36_0xD34D.zipBuilt 37: http://goo.im/devs/aokp/otter/aokp_otter_build-37.zipBuilt 38: http://goo.im/devs/aokp/otter/aokp_otter_build-38.zipBuilt 40: http://goo.im/devs/aokp/otterGAPPS new, I set down on the straw?http://www.mediafire.com/?3i8whdcc6evz16m [ROM] gedeRom Update 26/6 (installed by TWRP required)Do not know the day I installed gede 3/5 have failed to play something related store but not on xda today with the new update fixes gedeRom Play StoreAs I see it is somewhat more rom M5 in only a small number of points but also many smaller errors than M5 is not very much.CONS:- Sometimes the computer does not mount- Many bugs have wifi even after adjustment for standard gPros- Home button, back, menu to separated M5 more manageable- Unlock not have the camera causes the itchy hands I pull to hereHashcode's newest 3.0 kernelOverclocked to 1.2GHzAndroid 4.0.4Beats AudioModified build.propMost working Gameloft gamesDecreased powerconsumptionModified Play Store (No country or device restrictions)Reworked bootanimation CM9 (60 fps)SystemUI tweaks by JackpotClavin (Volume slider, removal of flightmode / bluetooth / notifications)Custom hosts file (Blocks ads)Removed most non-core appsGAPPS includedIn the picture is what is the model number GT-P1000 is the rom from a rom mod of Glx tab 7 "shall beWell I put down for links to the quick. This Rom is as AOKP little app should install into the rom size is slightlyLink v1.4: http://d-h.st/JzxLink v1.55: http://d-h.st/GlELink v1.6: http://d-h.st/YDnLink v1.65: http://d-h.st/LqTLink v1.7: http://d-h.st/Oep
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