Mountain Lion debut has received the response of many users because of the convenience that it brings, such as new warning area, self-update (Power Nap), the utility software Notes, Reminder , sharing, ... However, there is still a few knots of siblings in the process of using this new operating system. In the article below, I will summarize methods for solving common problems with OS X 10.8, and shared a few tricks to use people's computers are fast and fun. Invite people to share their own tips at this topic. If you do not know about the new features in OS X 10.8, please see the article reviews the new features of the Mountain Lion. Updates can be used SMC to Power Nap I have a MacBook Air and newer MacBook Retina, please do, but why was upgraded to OS X 10.8 will not find anywhere to adjust features Power Nap? The answer is that you have to install a minor upgrade again for SMC's new machine, run this mode. You can download the corresponding SMC Update for MacBook Air (Mid 2012) MacBook Air (Mid 2011), MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012). After you have downloaded the installation, you need to reboot and go to > System Preferences> Energy Saver. Battery and Power Adapter tab, you'll see the "Enable Power Nap ....". Please select this box. By default, the Power Nap has enabled us when charging mode, even when the battery is not. If necessary, please turn it on. Do not worry about the battery consumption of this feature because I have tested it in about 6 hours to update, the machine is only 10% battery only. The trick with Notes Mountain Lion In OS X there is a new application called Notes, in addition features notes and sync with iCloud that I said in a review 10.8, there is a trick to the use of Notes was easier to use. Specifically, when you double click the name of the notes, it will automatically create a new window with the contents of that note right. You can resize the window side to not forget something to do. But there is quite handy, right? Also, you can quickly drag and drop links, images and some other files from outside the open notes. The application will automatically add and save notes for us. Install and use it with Facebook Notification Center Many of you have asked I am that how they can use on Facebook Notification Center is that? His answer is only in beta only. By this fall (do not know exactly when), Apple promised to release a small update so that we can leverage the integration of this social network on Lion Mountain. However, if you want to use them now, okay, all the testing is welcome. First of all, download the installation file here. When down about finished, open the dmg file and run this setup file contained in it. Once installed, you do not see what happened. Then, you go to > System Preferences> Mail, Contacts and Calendar. Looking through the left side panel, you will easily see the emergence of the words Facebook. Click here, OS X 10.8 will require you to enter email and password to login. When you log in, the machine will give you the option to sync contacts or calendar, select your preferences. Next, to appear on the Facebook button Notification Center, you go back to System Preferences, select Notifications. If Facebook icon is located in the "Not in Notification Center", you drag it onto the top. Now, a button "Click to post" Notification Center will be present so that you can sign up this social network status quickly. Note that because this is beta so we can not get updates from Facebook, the official games we do this. Add VIP email Mail applications has been a major upgrade in Apple launches Lion, also on a Mountain Lion, then it is only slightly updated only. Perhaps the most notable feature is VIP. Mail lets you check the users that you feel important, and all of the VIP letters will appear in a separate section. For example, I choose my friends on the VIP section, when a person's mail, the notice will appear in the Notification blue star. In the Mail, you will see how many unread mail that person. VIP list will be updated on the Mac iCloud or six other IOS so you do not have to set up VIP list again. To add someone to the VIP list, you find an email that he sent any. The content frame displays mail, you mouse near the name people want to add to the list and press the star appeared. So is it officially into VIP. If you want to put that person out, no VIP room do more, do the same thing, also click on a star to disappear. That's it. Widget and group files into folders iCloud Mountain Lion OS X has built a sink that features very little you notice, there is the ability to create folders like on IOS. You can apply it to the widget and to synchronize files on iCloud account. With the widget, when you switch to the Dashboard screen, click on the + sign in the lower left corner of the screen. Here, the system will open up a small utility that you have installed. To group them into folders, highlight any symbol, notice is still holding down the left mouse slightly, then drag it onto a stack overwrite other icons. Now that the directory has been created. Similarly, in iCloud Library window appears every time you run Preview, TextEdit, iWork, you can also create multiple folders to manage our work easier. Rename the file from your window's title bar Normally, when you want to rename any files, we often have to quit the application that opens that file, then press Enter or Rename to enter a new name. As for OS 10.8, it became simpler and far more quickly. Just move your mouse over the window title bar, in a small arrow appears, click on it then click Rename. In addition, the arrows we can also perform many other games such as creating a copy of the file, review the edited version and the previous times of certain documents. Note that not all possess the app features that only a small number produced by Apple only. Fix the application is not installed on OS X 10.8 Some of you I am to say that they can not install some applications after upgrading to OS X 10.8. Do not worry, it's not necessarily where compatibility problems that most new Gatekeeper functionality is due to appear on this operating system. Apple's goal when creating the Gatekeeper is to restrict our situation with Mac malware attack. Gatekeeper offers users three levels allow installation of different applications including: only install applications from the Mac App Store, only install applications from the Mac App Store developers and prestige (Apple will verify the story Developer ID account by the developer), the third option from anywhere, meaning that applications downloaded from the Internet can still install and use on OS X Mountain Lion. By default, OS X 10.8 is available for you to choose option 2, ie can only install Mac app from App Store or from the app was written by the programmer "guarantee". The problem of the app you said it was down from an external source should have some app will be blocked. To fix, you just click on the > System Preferences> Security & Privacy. If the lock icon below the window is blocked, you need to click and enter a password so that we can start making modifications. After the unlock is complete, the applications downloaded from the Allow option, select "Anywhere". This option ensures that any application can also set the size to be, but you have to take responsibility if your Mac is infected with malicious software. Running some applications that Apple does not As noted above, the gatekeeper will prohibit some app running because there is no Developer ID. Also shut down the gatekeeper that you have introduced, you can temporarily run the application just by pressing the right mouse button on the application error message, then click Open. In the warning dialog box appears, click Open again is finished. New Screensaver Add a few features Apple is referring to, but in his it is quite interesting, which is a series of new screensavers in OS X 10.8. A series of new slideshow items will appear here with many different transition effects, such as the image runs from the bottom up, reflection, Origami effects, wall effects with pictures attached on it, ... All are very beautiful and is represented by the illustration easier to understand. Mountain Lion, an additional run screensaver text to help you learn English a new word every day with the same interpretation of meaning, and displays the album art in iTunes. Overall, the OS X Screensaver 8.10 now richer and far more interesting than Lion. You can find them in > System Preferences> Desktop & Screen Saver> Screen Saver tab. The trick with Quick Look Previously, when you need to preview a file content, we have to select a file and then press the Spacebar any. Now, you just touch three fingers at once to a file, so only time will appear as Quick Look. In addition, Quick Look is also a built-sharing feature highlights of the Mountain Lion. In any Quick Look window you also see a small arrow. This is the Share button. Click on it, depending on the type of file that will be sharing various ways, such as Facebook, Twitter, airdrop, Flickr, Email, ... Few tips to Messages Back then, on OS X 10.7 and earlier have a chat application called iChat. However, very few people use this software because it is so bad in the support for Yahoo. Mountain Lion up to OS X, Apple has improved it. Although no way be compared to Yahoo Messenger but it still is a chat application stability. Your benefits while chatting on Yahoo What Messages? First of all, it is fairly simple interface but still provides almost full of features necessary. Second, it integrates very well with the Notification Center (because made by Apple), so all messages sent will appear in the warning area. Some chat app on OS X as Yahoo or Adium, the subject, do not play well with Notification Center. However, these drawbacks can be listed as Messages do not send the file (you still get from others), no voice call or video call is. To add the account to Messages, run the software on. Then, press Command +, to the setting item. Press the + button and add the account that you desire. You can also use the Messages with other services like Google Talk, AIM, and even chat with other users Messages. Only when new Messages chat with each other, promote all its strength. To appear fast friends list, you just press Command + 1 as the default application does not show it. Add two more tips for Messages, that you can use multiple accounts, such as Yahoo, Google Talk and AIM. The second is that you can fast forward your message to a person other chat friends by selecting a message for it any color change to blue, and then right click and select Forward or Copy. You can also delete individual messages from the frame separate chat with the Delete button. Notification Center to use the old application As noted above, some old software is not compatible with the Notification Center that still use the old Growl notification system. If you are required to this application but still want to enjoy the benefits of message center features, install the software Hiss. Once installed, run it up and click on the red icon the middle Hiss window it changes to green. Starting then, the Growl notification appears in the Notification Center. Of course we can not expect it as good as the original alert, but nonetheless this is still a good measure to temporarily use the old software manufacturers while playing updated version is compatible with OS X 10.8. If you want Hiss run up every time you open the machine, put a checkmark in the box Start At Login. Words with a single touch Previously, on OS X Lion has appeared three fingers touching feature twice in a word, your dictionary automatically and show up available to you. On the Mountain Lion, Apple improved it a bit because you only need three fingers touched only once only. Do not always hit it twice every hidden continuous light. Tweak some system components with Mountain Tweaks, change the Notification Center I have a Norwegian student who has created a small little application called Mountain Tweaks help us refine and make some changes to a simple system. A number of actions you can perform are: (click Yes to apply, No to return to the system default) Always the Library folder Activate the 2D dock The file is hidden Allows you to select text in a Quick Look Activating effect of the iTunes icon on the dock Disable Gatekeeper Highlight the picture is not Retina Another feature of the Mountain Tweaks but also in particular because they want it, rather, is the ability to change the background image for Notification to us does not have to look at social and disconnect the gray background was. After running this application to switch to the Mountain Lion Tweaks tab, then select Yes in the "Change the Notification Background". In the dialog that opens, you will want to browse to the image used as background image, then click OK. Also want to return the default wallpaper, click No. Below this article you can attach to miss as there linen.tiff.zip what we can return to the Mountain Lion gray. Note: in case we have the havoc Mountain Tweaks and never remember what was done to that change, click the Restore tab and click Restore to System Default is finished. Hey beautiful gray than you Temporarily disable the Sleep feature In the copy of OS X before, when you want to disable sleep, we often use more external software. On a Mountain Lion, Apple has built a tool called Caffeinate. To activate it, you run Terminal (click the magnifying glass icon and then look for fast Spotlight), then enter the command line Code: caffeinate You can also disable sleep in a sum certain time in order Code: caffeinate-t sogiay In the-t parameter to activate the time you leave it, but sogiay the number of seconds since caffeinate press Enter until expiration. For example, the machine does not want to sleep in three hours (3600 * 3 = 10 800 seconds) for computer download something, then I will enter as follows: Code: 10 800-t caffeinate To stop caffeinate command, simply press Control + C to cancel the command. Done. Treatment of unstable Wifi connection after upgrade to Mountain Lion Although most users Lion, upgrade to Snow Leopard Mountain Lion does not have any problems, but there are a few you get a wireless connection unstable, or dropped or corrupted Mac is not connected to the network after a period of time. For treatment, we will do the following: Click > System Preferences> Network Under Location, click and select Edit Locations ... Press the + sign to add a new location, enter any name you want most and then Done Back to the Network screen, select the name you want to network in the Network Name to access Click the Advanced button> the TCP / IP. Here you will see the Renew DHCP Lease button. Press this button and select Apple in the notice appears. Click OK to exit Try to see the connection is OK or not (See OSXDaily) Temporary fix error with iWork GoTiengViet When upgrading to Mountain Lion, what do you have to use Vietnamese keyboard of Ky Nam Tran, the authors found to be a pretty serious bug with the new iWork. That's when we start typing Vietnamese, applications crash immediately, do not be considered. While waiting for authors to update to the latest version compatible with the Mountain Lion, you can temporarily use the built-in type. To activate this type, the go to > System Preferences> Language & Text> Input Source tab. Scroll down, select Vietnamese or Vietnamese Unikey (you can try both to find the type best for you). Me is selected then you have to move through the new type by clicking the flag on the menu bar (at the top of the screen), and temporarily disable GoTiengViet go before using iWork. Using Wi-Fi Diagnostics software new The Mountain Lion is a hidden system applications, rather, it is Wifi Diagnostics. It will help you see the status of wireless network connection on your device as well as optimization of wireless networks (for example, you see neighbors using the Channel to adjust their different Channel to avoid conflicts). To run it up, you're out on the Desktop or Finder, press Command + Shift + G, enter the path / System / Library / CoreServices /. Find a software called Wi-Fi Diagnostics. Double-click that you will see it. You can also drag the application dock for easy access when needed. Customized Resume and Auto Save feature of OS X Mountain Lion On OS X 10.7, Apple has added features to help resume the software automatically re-open with the contents / windows that we are prepared in case you quit the application. Even something faulty computer is off and it can restore our session. Up to Mountain Lion, Apple enabling Resume layout slightly backwards slightly Lion. When you go to > System Preferences> General, you will see a tick box labeled "Close windows when quitting an application". If you choose this means to you is OFF Resume feature. By default, Apple has chosen (disable Resume), so if you want to use Resume must uncheck this box. Right on the tick box also has the "Ask to keep changes when closing documents." Once this feature is selected, before closing the document, the system will ask if you want to save the changes you just made or not. You can select Save or do not like then click Reverse, the document will return to save the status of previous times. If this is unchecked, then all changes are automatically recorded on the file when you close the software, the machine does not ask anything. This is a new customizable Auto Save feature (auto save) of OS X Mountain Lion. Invite you to share your tips with others. In case you want to save to view later or viewed on mobile devices, I have a PDF version of this article. Download here or in the attached file below (you remember to extract offline). Attachments: linen.tiff.zip File size: 626.7 KB Views: 0 Some tips to help you use OS X Mountain Lion.pdf.zip File size: 3.3 MB Views: 8 ...
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