In court last Friday, Apple had to call a professor of marketing at MIT for her to testify. They are Mr. John Hauser, who has done two studies to conclude that Samsung customers will be affected by 100 USD / unit to be used are three features that Apple was violating patents I (bounce effect when scrolling through pages, zoom and touch to the operation using two fingers). Hauser added that "demand from users for these features is quite large." Apple also has a slide presentation reveals that the number is above 100 USD for smartphones, but with the tablet, it is 90 dollars. Samsung does not agree with the results of Hauser and juries do not want to use this evidence. Party's legal Korean manufacturer says John Hauser did not explain the way he conducts research. In response to this, Hauser said, "it is a good survey" and "figures are reasonable." Judge Lucy Koh then turned down the request of Samsung, and forced the company's lawyers used the time to explain and find defects in the report of Hauser. AllThingsD said Koh only allow each party 25 hours before the jury to give his testimony, do the cross examination and in some cases make legal protest. To cross-question session, a lawyer for Hauser Samsung was forced to explain more about his research, but fairly generic Hauser said only that "there are some complex analysis in which", "we asked consumers Using a number of survey questions and their level of voluntary pay more money. And this is the conclusion of the answers. " During questioning, Hauser often interrupted because the answer given is too long. After a interruption, Hauser said, "I'm trying to help him", while Samsung's lawyer responds, "Well, I'm not sure about this." Hauser was asked if his research why just talk about the features that Apple accused of piracy, while at the same kind of research can provide results on the amounts that users want more to add some other things, such as cameras or storage. Legal representation of Samsung said it was "a practical test" for the numbers that Hauser brings to court. The Korean manufacturer also cited a book written by authors of software that used to give Hauser his conclusions, which stated that "approach combining research," which Professor Hauser has used can give misleading results with large compared with the market reality. Hauser said that he had been Apple to pay 800 USD / hour for his work. When asked about the money that he got up to date, Hauser could not give an answer, and that "I have to ask my wife about this." Hauser estimates that only he was around $ 30,000 to $ 40,000. According to AllThingsD, the verge ...
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