Android 4.1 is a new capability that programmers have discovered, that this operating system supports multiple user accounts on the same machine. Newly created account will be completely different configuration of your account screen HomeScreen return the original state, just as new buy, the entire music library, photos, contacts, Google also have separate accounts. However, it seems this feature is not complete because the application is installed and some other important information such as messages are still being shared between accounts together. These users will not be much extra custom configuration section as key accounts. With a phone, we do not usually give it to other people and so this feature is not much useful. But for tablets such as Nexus 7, we can create sub accounts for other people to separate the library from entertaining. For me, I created an account for the father, another account for my kids, so that your favorite song will not be confused with those of all classical music for children's father or siblings. Similarly, contacts, photos of each individual will survive while still ensuring that a machine can be used by many people. About how, first of all you need to make sure your machine is Android 4.1 root. Then perform sequential steps below: Set the Terminal Emulator app from Google Play. Running this application up, allowing it to run at root rights. Type su command. Type in the command create-user tentaikhoan pm to create a new account. To switch to the account you just created, click the Lock button to keep long. In the menu that opens, you will find one (or more) strange new names appear, click it to start using. If you want to return to the main account, and press the Lock button, select the Primary line. Also want to delete an account, you do the following: Terminal Emulator Run, type the command su. Type the command pm-users list. A list of users you have added will appear. Note the number of the account that you want to remove. Enter the command to remove-user sothutuaccount pm to clear out your account. Video illustrates Refer to XDA ...
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