![[Geography] 10 countries and territories world's smallest](//3.bp.blogspot.com/-nc5htZdlrjQ/UCCIDzEVuEI/AAAAAAAABtk/I_xzigm4g6E/s400/test_techlumix.blogspot.com.jpg)
We know Russia is a country with the largest area, more than 17 million square kilometers (accounting for 11.5% of the total amount of land the whole planet), or China is the most populous country with about 1 , 4 billion people, or India is home to many religious one, the U.S. is the largest economy ... Has many points where the most people, the largest, richest, so today, Geography forum will invite you to visit 10 countries and territories with the smallest area of the planet, ordered by ascending order. 1) Vatican City of religion and belief The official name of this place is the Vatican City (Latin: Status Civitatis Vaticanae; Italian: della Città del Vaticano stator), is a country with full sovereign territory covers a land area enclosed walls around, which is located in the heart of the Italian capital Rome. This is an area of small countries in the world, only 0.44 square kilometers (44 ha) and a population of only about 1,000 people. Vatican official country was established in 1929, this place has the Vatican and St. Peter's Square, are two very famous place where the followers of Christianity are looking forward to a visit. If Bethlehem is where Jesus was born, the Vatican is considered sacred land to those who follow this religion come to pray and to live in an atmosphere of being blessed and blessed by God and the saint. The Vatican also is home to the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church of Rome, and he is also head of government of this country. The Vatican also has regular military smallest and oldest in the world - the Swiss soldiers, with only about 100 people, but because of their very small area so there is no Vatican air forces and navies, the room the outside is supported by Italy. $ ("# Galleria_491056837"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); 2) The Monaco, a country of millionaires With an area of only 1.95 square kilometers, but the 2nd National Small world this is known as home to many millionaires on the planet. Geographically, Monaca has three sides and the rest of France bordering the Mediterranean, the country's population but only about 36,000 people because of the small area where it has the highest population density of the planet. It is known that Monaco is a country with the highest GDP, with average incomes over $ 215,000 / person / yr, the lowest unemployment rate and the people in this place also has the highest life expectancy, the average reached 90 years of age and special is very special preferential tax policies for foreign companies ... can say that the numbers are the ideal of a "promised land". Monaco is also famous for this place was chosen to organize the F1 race car on the street (Monaco Grand Prix - see below) that we can watch on TV or in movies like Iron Man 2 , animated Cars 2 ... $ ("# Galleria_158775444"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); 3) Pitcairn Islands, the last colony of the British empire Located in the south Pacific islands, including five small islands Pitcaim is the last colony of Britain in these waters since 1838. It has a total area of 5 square kilometers, but only the main island and also the capital of the new Adamstown uninhabited, with a population of only about 50 people (of 9 families). Pitcaim be colonized area as well as the world's smallest population. $ ("# Galleria_1365519842"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); 4) Gibraltar, where Hercules against the sky Located near the southern Iberian Peninsula, on the north by Spain, Gibraltar is the overseas territories of the United Kingdom since 1713. Formerly this place is one of the important bases of the armed forces and the Royal Navy. Gibraltar has an area of 6.5 square kilometers with a population of about 28 thousand people and average income of about U.S. $ 2,000 / person / year. In Gibraltar there are many places with beautiful scenery and famous, but one of which is The Pillars of Hercules, roughly translated as "the pillars of Hercules heaven." $ ("# Galleria_1117074797"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); 5) Tokelau, the capital is Nukunonu Tokelau is a territory under the sovereignty of New Zealand, including the atoll has an area of about 10 square kilometers, located in the south Pacific. Because of New Zealand politics so here is a constitutional monarchy, is run by Elizabeth II (UK). The population here is very sparse, with less than 1,500 people and as a territory surrounded by the ocean here is not so high GDP, only about 1050 USD / person / year. People here live very modestly and harmony, hospitality. $ ("# Galleria_974019077"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); 6) Republic of Nauru, the world's smallest island nation Before the official name of Nauru is known here called Pleasant Island, is the world's smallest island nation, with an area of 21 square kilometers and a population of about 10,000. What makes the difference Nauru with other countries over the world is this country has no official capital, largest city Yaren which is regarded as the capital. The administration of Nauru is also very simple, with a parliament consisting of 18 members with three year term, in which the government of President and Cabinet members 5-6. Yet here again there are four parties are active, including the Democratic Party, First Party, Centre Party and the party Nauru. Today, Nauru's economy is mainly based on the following three main sources: one is receiving aid from Australia, the second is fishing, the big fish in the ocean and eventually tourism. $ ("# Galleria_1020533137"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); 7) Tavalu, the land is threatened constantly by nature Also known by another name: Ellice Islands, Tavalu is an island nation located in the south Pacific Ocean, between Australia and Hawaii. 1978, Tavalu formal independence from Britain, which includes many small islands have many coral reefs and pristine jungle, with a total area of 26 square kilometers. Like Gibraltar, Tavalu under a constitutional monarchy with law enforcement agencies are run by Elizabeth II of Great Britain, the legislature of the National Assembly with 12 members (4 year term) and the judiciary Tuvalu is the High Court. Although there are still wild scenery and romantic, but Tavalu island is subjected to threats from nature, where the average height is only 5 meters above sea level, and tends to be submerged by the effect greenhouse as rising sea levels. Land here is very poor, almost no mineral resources, people who live mainly on fishing and growing crops, while the income of government is based and trading stamps, coins and foreign currency by the workers send back exit. It is known that countries like Britain, Australia, New Zealand Tavalu aid to about $ 100 million per year. However, Tavalu very focused on education and policy implementation to free medical care for his people. $ ("# Galleria_461497704"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); 8) Norfolk Island, untouched paradise As an island in the Pacific Ocean, between Australia, New Caledonia and New Zealand, Norfolk is autonomous region of the Commonwealth of Australia. The area of the place at around 36km square, but a population of just over 2300 people. Norfolk Island has a subtropical marine climate, the temperature hardly drops below 10 degrees C and higher than 26 degrees C. With this climate, the island has many types of unique plants and rare, typically palm species or varieties Rhopalostylis baueri world's largest fern. Trees of the national symbol of his period as well let the world know that this plant export is one of Norfolk's key sectors. $ ("# Galleria_1929604640"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); 9) Bermuda, land of the evil triangle Many anecdotes woven around the famous Bermuda Triangle Devil, by ever recorded here is where so many ships and aircraft disappeared leaving no trace. However, Bermuda, the islands 53km wide square of British territory in the north Atlantic were again awarded to the natural beauty very nicely. Bermuda is known as a great tourist paradise, visitors can come join the fun as golf, swimming, swimming with dolphins ... watch the blue sea and pink beaches. $ ("# Galleria_2023075294"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); 10) San Marino, Republic of San Marino University peaceful This is the smallest independent countries in Europe, with only 61km square area, as well as the Vatican, San Marino the palm of Italy, the country's independence was recognized Pope Urban VIII in 1631, considered Republic is the country's independence is the oldest in the world today. San Marino is a country whose economy industry, services and tourism, including tourism GDP contribution to 50% of the country, visitors can explore the medieval architecture exists in this place However, the roads here are narrow, so cars banned in the town center and the government encourages people to walk to environmental protection, as well as safety for visitors. The service sector, could be the industry such as banking, textiles, electronics and ceramics, while agriculture plays only a minor role in the economy of this country, such as food crops and farming cattle and cheese making, tanning ... $ ("# Galleria_1145114719"). Galleria ({ width: 490, height: 500, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, idleMode: false, trueFullscreen: false, }); ...
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