Expand the storage capacity of mobile devices is a user needs. If your device has a memory card slot, this is quite simple. But with the phone, the tablet does not support removable memory cards such as iPad, Nexus 7, iPhone, Galaxy Nexus ... the problem seems to be more difficult. We have two solutions: one is to buy a USB cable USB OTG and high-capacity memory card or two is to use the external hard drive storage support wireless connection. So in terms of convenience and easy operation, the hard drive wifi solution is somewhat more prominent and easier for ordinary users. Finally, the main character in this article is Air Drive, a portable hard drive that supports wireless connection that PQI debuted recently. PQI Air Drive is a mobile storage device with compact size a business card size 85 x 54 x 8 mm and weighs only 55g. It has two strengths that can change the storage capacity with built-in SD memory card slot and you can easily replace the memory card with different capacity. Also Air Drive WiFi with the ability to connect to 5 devices at the same time, the built-in battery so it can work 5 hours continuously. Compared to other wifi portable hard drive like Seagate GoFlex Satellite and Kingston Wi-Drive Mini Air Drive lighter, storage capacity can change easily. How it works of all three are the same: its own wifi and wireless mobile devices to access the data. Uptime is also quite similar when all three are published on the theory of five hours. Design PQI Air Drive design has a beautiful square and compact. The shell is made of alloy with a matte black along with metal rings, all made looks luxurious and scratch-resistant. The compact size of the device makes holding and carry with you quite easily, if you want to be able to put in a pocket or wallet. The entire front of the device no more than the PQI logo in the upper right corner of the back lot of words with information about the serial, and the symbol of light. Next to no details at all. The left edge of the device we find the USB cable, play data transfer as well as charging the battery. By PQI no bundled charger so you have to charge through the USB port of the computer. If not in use, the cable connecting the device was hidden pretty neat in itself. Cable has a short point is, when plugged into a bit uncomfortable. If PQI microUSB port here and bundled cable connection better leave, and will also take advantage of the free space for bigger batteries. Bottom edge of the memory card slot with plastic cover. According PQI Air Drive supports SD / SDHC card with a maximum capacity of up to 32GB. However, I hate 128GB SDHC cards, it is still getting up and running good. Finally, next to the power button and the reset hole. When you push the Power left the Wifi will be activated and begin accessing data. Galleria.loadTheme ('/ js / Tinhte / Galleria / themes / Azur / galleria.azur.min.js'); $ ("# Galleria_1150480432"). Galleria ({ imageCrop: false, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, fullscreenTransition: 'fade', }); Galleria.run ('# galleria_1150480432'); Activity First time to talk about the operation of the equipment. Actual time using the battery Air Drive well, consider this film continuously for several hours, the result is a new battery after 4 hours and 30 minutes off. If you connect with several devices (up to 5), the time used will be reduced. For fully charged you need about 2h30p, when the red charging light will, until the battery is full the light will automatically turn off. Air Drive just charging and data exchange with your computer via the USB port when it is switched off, ie can not just copy the data to the Air drive and medium access the rates on that data over wifi. Copy data speed on Air Drive depends a lot on memory card you use so it is best equipped to a high-speed SDHC card to use. 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi card built for speed power equipment rapidly. It supports both Android and iOS, you can access the information rate by S + PQI Flash software or directly via IP In addition to using the software S + Flash, you can use the software another example Oplayer on iOS. Time the launch of Air Drive (from actuating power button to the time the Wifi connection) quite quickly, only takes about 10 seconds. Consider this film HD720p standard with 2GB is better load fast, on iPad 3 with Oplayer, missing about 10 seconds longer on the S III with default Video Player, about 3 - 5 seconds to start considered. Software S + Flash S + Flash is a free software that PQI provided on Google Play (Link) and iTunes AppStore (Link), through this software you can access the data rate in the Air Drive. In addition, as noted above, you can also from browsers or other software to access the rates on Air Drive through IP: Features and interface of the S + Flash for Android and iOS are the same, the software has six main tabs: Air Drive: manage all the files in the directory traversal Air Drive Image - Music - Video: Auto Filter data Air Drive in format, music, video. My Folder: data in the device. With Android, this is the entire list of files on your system. With iOS is limited so we only have the file in the software S + Flash only, the file that was downloaded iOS. Setting: configuration for Air Drive You can set a password for Air Drive for convenient use in public places, this is a pretty useful and necessary function. Also in Settings allows you to change the default name of the wifi network name is Air Drive. Other functions can be selected as Factory Reset and Reboot. S + Flash software runs smoothly on both iOS and Android. With Android it can be linked with other software to watch movies, view pictures or office documents. Normally I use Air Drive to store images and HD movie takes a lot of space. Every time you choose a video file, the software video of Android will activate (you can also set more Mxplayer). Galleria.loadTheme ('/ js / Tinhte / Galleria / themes / Azur / galleria.azur.min.js'); $ ("# Galleria_1269416402"). Galleria ({ imageCrop: false, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, fullscreenTransition: 'fade', }); Galleria.run ('# galleria_1269416402'); Summary This portable hard drive is a good, beautiful and compact design; is a good solution for you to expand the storage capacity as well as equipment used to store and carry your important data . Uptime about 4h 30p is not enough for a long trip but also to meet its needs. Supports five devices connected at the same time. There is a limit when you are using Air Drive, no internet access. Thank Phuc Thinh product support. Air Drive will be distributed in the future, currently there is no price for this product. ...