Saturday, July 28, 2012

[Procedure] A few tips to help speed up the interface on Ubuntu Unity

[Procedure] A few tips to help speed up the interface on Ubuntu Unity
Unlike before, the distribution GNU / Linux are now integrated Gnome interface (written in GTK library) and Qt / KDE, so the default computer must have at least 512 MB RAM. Along with the launch of the Gnome interface 3, the typical Linux distribution such as Fedora 16 also increases the RAM requirements to a minimum of 640 MB. The jump in RAM by the fact that the use of many more to GPU desktop graphics interface, in addition to the Kernel upgrades as well as general applications. If using the new distributions like Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, etc. .. then you are able to recognize this difference. Especially when the distribution of Ubuntu Canonical Unity is equipped with interface management system to coordinate effects Compiz as the default, consuming more resources than normal. I love Unity interface by usability but sometimes it's rather slow response. So how to Unity run faster and more stable? Here are few tips to help you fix this problem.   Unity interface in Ubuntu 12.04. Off the applications that run on startup (start-up) is not necessary:   By default, Ubuntu (Gnome interface including Classic) will load a number of applications in the startup process and the application interface may not be necessary. All you need do is press the Power icon is outside the right side of the Unity panel and select: System Settings> Personal> Startup Applications (if using Ubuntu 11.04) or choose at Startup Applications (if using Ubuntu 4.12).     Now, a new window will appear allowing you encourage work / disable startup applications systems. However, you should not disable all applications by a number system is necessary for normal desktop operation. That is my problem also with Ubuntu 4.12 Ubuntu 11.10, the application system will be hidden and only show the list from the applications you install on the 3rd.   Installing Preload:   This is a great utility, run as a service platform and operating system like Microsoft app pre-fetch. The mission of Preload is very simple. For example, you typically use the 10 applications, of which 3 applications have the highest frequency of use. The part of the subdivision application is scattered on the hard drive in system takes time to load more. Now, Preload will create an index for three frequently used applications so the help system access easier. Just read the index system and find the location of the application faster, shorten time to load.   You can install by opening Terminal Preload (Ctrl + Alt + T) and enter the command:   sudo apt-get install preload Not only Unity interface, Preload will help reduce load time on all systems GNU / Linux in general. After installation, you need to enable Preload the utility will automatically run in the background.   Reduce effects Compiz Effect:   If you own a powerful GPU and open the default Compiz effects, then this is not a big problem. But many, if you are interested in speeding up the maximum Unity, you can adjust and reduce some Compiz effects require much graphics power of the GPU.   For those who are familiar with the values ​​change effects on Ubuntu, you can follow the steps:   A. Open Terminal and install gconf-editor (if not already) by order:   sudo apt-get install gconf-editor Two. Unity Lens Open Configuration Editor and find:   Now in the directory tree, navigate to the key "compiz-1" and select "plugins". Now you will see many options are used to set the compiz effects. However, even with very small changes can also be a major impact by the fact that Ubuntu Unity interface is a plug-in that runs on the Compiz 3D rendering engine.     If you accidentally changed the custom in Compiz but does not remember what I did, then you can reset all the default order:   gconftool-2 - recursive-unset / apps/compiz-1 unity - reset If you change Compiz settings related to Unity only through locked "apps"> "CompizConfig-1"> "profiles"> "unity" then you can reset to default with the command line:   unity - reset * Note 1: Do not change the value "refresh rate" in the set because if you do not know what you're doing, the system may cause damage hardware overclocking. * Note 2: Once customized, you should log out and log back in or reboot the system.   For those who prefer more visual customization, you can install CompizConfig Settings Manager manager in Ubuntu Software Center.     Clear cache apt-get:   apt-get is one powerful statement that you can work with applications such as installing, removing, download, etc. .. Before installing the application, apt-get will save temporary (cache) them to your hard drive to back up the downloaded packages. If you do not want apt-get cache (unless you want to install the package without having to download it again) and if you find the cache directory is on a "bulging", you can clear the cache that not lose the command-line application:   sudo apt-get clean Remove unnecessary packages:   This is an inherent problem and annoying for people using GNU / Linux. Would not you are familiar with a concept called "dependencies" (dependencies) to install a certain application. For example, you install an application called "A" but when installed, Ubuntu will ask you is this application needs to load another 10 small packages to operate, this is the "dependencies".   So after installing the "A" and feel this application is not helpful, you decide to remove that application. But the problem here is that although the application named "A" has been removed but 10 package install dependencies can not be removed completely due to many reasons. So how to solve the remaining pile of dependencies?   Now, we need to apt-get command to safely remove the unnecessary dependencies with only a command line. Removing the package will help you free up memory drive as well as the application's registry keys for the system to operate faster. To perform the elimination of unnecessary packages, open Terminal and enter the following command:   sudo apt-get autoremove Hopefully, through a trick mentioned above, Unity interface on your computer will run faster.   P / S: In the original article and some other tricks but its not mentioned in this article by the test, a system error caused by no longer compatible with the version of Ubuntu 12.04.   By: MyGeekOpinions ...

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