Bio-Retina - chip implants help restore vision due to macular degeneration

Bio-Retina - chip implants help restore vision due to macular degeneration

The image of a Bio-Retina angle zoom shows the network of optical sensors.
The world, at least 25 to 30 million people suffer from macular degeneration due to age (Age-related Macular Degeneration - AMD) and this is one of the major causes of blindness caused middle / senior. But hope turned out to patients with AMD in recent time, Nano Retina company based in Israel has announced the successful development of an implantable device called Bio-Retina. Bio-Retina consists of a network of micro-optical sensors can be implanted directly onto the surface of the retina. Product ready for clinical trials next year and Bio-Retina will help restore the vision of AMD patients almost immediately after the transplants.

Hammock Desert is a collection of light-sensitive tissue inside the back of the eye. By retinal tissue layers, where the light sensing cells (rod cells and cone) set below the layer and ganglion neurons linked by synapses. The neurons of this transmission images to the optic nerve while the cost to perform low-level visual imaging.

AMD disease caused by the degeneration or damage of central retina, called macula. This is a small area on the retina may allow us to clearly see the details straight in the eye objects. AMD gradually destroys the ability to convert light into signal transmission along the optic nerve of the cones and rods. A retina affected by AMD still is full of nerve activity as well as normal retinal subsystem puts neural signals from the light receptor cells in the optic nerve. However, when the cell receptors do not work, there is no neural signals from the light for the rest of the retina to the transmission. So AMD patients retain peripheral vision but the center disappeared completely. As a result they are blind or partially blind also the case completely. Currently, there is no effective therapy for AMD.


Nano Retina has successfully developed the Bio-Retina - a implanted chip is very small (3 x 4 mm) were introduced into the eye and attached to the retina in primary invasive procedures. It's not that AMD treatment to relieve blindness caused by AMD. After a local anesthetic, the doctor will slit a small wound in the eye and Bio-Retina implant macular area damaged.

Retina Bio-optical system using natural as the lens, iris and eye muscles to work. It includes an integrated circuit system includes a network of optical sensors, micro-electrode and tiny electronic circuit to replace the optical sensor's natural eye while images load information through the healthy structure of the retina to the optic nerve and the visual centers of the brain. After transplant, patients will not need to file discrimination cluttered images by the optical sensor automatically detects the light to the eye in a separate area on the image, and then immediately click like optical neurons under observation points where light can reach in any case. In most cases, common sense vision will be restored to the patient. However, the current picture is shown only in black and white.

Starting next year, the first clinical research will be done with the Bio-Retina-resolution 24 x 24 px (576 optical sensors) and turn next test will increase resolution to 72 x 72 px (5184 optical sensor). Comparison table below shows the difference in vision between different resolutions:

Obviously, in the low resolution, image quality is also not clear. In resolution 10 x 10 px, one can only identify the presence or the presence of large objects. At a slightly higher rate, 24 x 24 pixels, they can recognize a wide-brimmed hat people and women can be. Meanwhile, at a rate of 72 x 72 pixels, the image of the object appear like we are black and white TV. Thus, the invention can be said of the Nano Retina absolutely helpful for those who are blind.

However, there is still a problem exists. To detect light and electrical stimulation of visual neurons require a power source. Nano Retina has solved this problem by integrating a small very small photovoltaic cells on Bio-Retina, overlooking the crystalline lens. For patients who wear glasses, Bio-Retina will use battery-operated laser. The reason is that although laser light invisible and harmless to the eye but can make photovoltaic cells generate more than 3 milliwatts, so that may damage the implant.

According to: Gizmag



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