Monday, September 10, 2012

Why Amazon does not introduce smartphone today 06/09?

Why Amazon does not introduce smartphone today 06/09?
On 06/09 the past Amazon has organized a special event to introduce its new products this year. In addition to reading the Kindle, the three tablets have been released, including: the new Kindle Fire and higher level products is Kindle Fire HD 7'' and Kindle Fire HD 8.9''. Obviously we have voyeuristic and satisfied with the impressive performance of the devices. However, if you have a closer look in the news recently, you would see a missing product in the ceremony: a smartphone. This is not without reason when we heard the news related to brake it, at least two reputable sources as Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal. So why Amazon has not yet lifted the veil of secrecy on the phone is rumored to the public?   Digitaltrends had detailed analysis aspects related, would like to send to you the summary of key points for us to have a deeper insight on the issue.   Amazon need a smartphone?   There are reasons for U.S. companies toward this goal. Large number of smart phone users than the number of users book reader or tablet. According to statistics, by the end of 2011, the world has 470 million smartphone users, while the corresponding figure of 81 million tablet owners. Clearly, expanding market share to mobile phone customers is essential.   Amazon still is the leading enterprise in the field of online shopping experience and millions of loyal customers around the world, who think of this company as they have the demand for books, domestic appliances, grocery and furniture. So Kindle producers always tend to extend the method to the god easier access to products (books, music, video). A smartphone is a great idea to help the buyer in this case. Kept the idea from reading devices such as Kindle or the Kindle Fire tablet form, the smartphone will certainly have very competitive prices due to the motto of the company's business is the sale of goods and services, not hardware.   There is so much work to do to have a good smart phone   Customers do not simply use a phone to market reference. They want to use it with other important functions. When to intervene in Android, Amazon has created an operating system with branching many separate points compared to the others and to integrate further into the ecosystem that the company developed. Thus, the manufacturer Kindle Fire can help users avoid the distraction and certain influence because there are so many options with the Android platform in general.   However, as it also has certain disadvantages. Customer will not use Google apps like Gmail, calendar, contacts, search, maps, or even Chrome. Silk browser on the Kindle Fire tablet now may be a replacement not bad for Chrome. Amazon has bought Yap (voice recognition technology development) and UpNext (map service development). But obviously it needs to spend more time to build other applications or working with companies with strengths in those areas. Anyway, any shield they plan to spend a lot of manpower and money. Therefore, target launched a handset with affordable price will be more difficult, or is Amazon to offset losses add more to it. Add an unfavorable condition for them to consider.   The trouble arises from partners and competitors   The largest Android phone manufacturers Samsung is still faced with the decision to pay a fine of 1.05 billion for Apple. But not only that, Apple can continue to expand the war with the hardware manufacturer to run on Google's platform. Before you get to heaven, Saint Steve Jobs has vowed to make a "nuclear attack" to destroy the comprehensive operating system Android. There is no guarantee that if we continue to go deeper in the field of hardware, Apple will not touched Amazon.   Also, Amazon customize deeper into Android, they can turn it into a clear separation platform with what Google has done. And where they are going in the right direction, the operating system will become a means for them to promote and distribute their own services without spending a penny of any fee, so people suffer obviously Google. Moreover Amazon also develop alternative applications for its search product. That's not to mention the hardware devices such as the Kindle Fire has the advantage of configuration and price and weight when the user puts it on the table along with the Nexus 7. Will Google continue to sit and watch the fruits of her hands on so in this case?   Agreement with Verizon   At the same time Amazon launched new products, Verizon also announced an agreement that will set before the Amazon Mobile app on some Android devices their release. All applications in the agreement are aiming to online shopping: besides Kindle, Audible, MP3, software informer discount clothing Zappos, and monitoring applications the IMDb movie is also included in the price. Initially, the software will be pre-installed on the affected like Stellar Samsung, LG Intuition, and the Motorola Droid Razr M before they are delivered to the user manual. Other phones can continue to be added to the list in the future.   According to Nielsen, the American public favored shopping by phone: 47% of smart phone users regularly regularly perform online transactions. With the built-in shopping app, users can scan the barcode or take a picture they like in a product of something, then they see them on and online purchases on this website if it reasonable. It was a great thing with retail companies because through the Amazon app can collect user data on their location and purchase price adjustment so that it is competitive with other stores.   The details of the agreement between Verizon and Amazon have not been disclosed. It is not clear whether Amazon pays Verizon to install the application before or revenue-based payments when users use the application. It is possible that both methods will be applied, but one thing is for sure the money will flow from Amazon to Verizon. However, they (Amazon) it is important that they can turn to each phone to install the application into a real shop in front of the consumer.   Conclusion Harm, apparently launching a private phone at the moment will encounter difficulties and unpredictable challenges. That is not to say that it became a spray bomb, as we have seen with many other Android devices. Clear agreement with Verizon help Amazon achieve the goals of business while harmony is everything. Thus, rumors smartphone running Android is only a rumor, at least for the present time. Source: Digitaltrends ...

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