Saturday, September 22, 2012

Nokia Lumia 510 will be headed in Chinese market - Windows 7.8 running device

In Chinese market recently, a new Nokia smartphone model has surfaced over the web, which is based in Windows 7 platform running device comes in the form of Nokia Lumia 510. The new additional Lumia series siblings which is run on Windows 7.8 operating system and to arrive as a larger screen version of it older brother Lumia 610. It also designed to be an entry-level Windows Phone handset offers a middle class market in terms of Windows Phone experience.

Nokia Lumia 510 smartphone sports a 4 inch screen likely fast track to Windows Phone 7.8, equipped with 800GHz Snapdragon, 256MB of RAM and 5MP rear-camera. Towards a low-cost market, with low specifications and lack of dual-core processors. Nokia Lumia 510 could hit the Chinese market in the upcoming holidays and in the near 2013 for the outside market supposedly suggesting it will launch with an economical price tag range.


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