Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New Youtube App for the iPhone and iPod Touch, please download

New Youtube App for the iPhone and iPod Touch, please download
Google has launched a new Youtube app for the iPhone and iPod Touch devices. But we all know Youtube in iOS6 application has no longer applied by machine. This is used by many applications. Apple has gradually remove the Google-related applications from the application's default iOS. I try new Youtube App on iPhone running Beta iOS6 see the ability to load pretty fast. The interface is almost similar to the YouTube application on Android, we can slide through the slip to move through the different parts of the text. Compared to the old Youtube app on iOS, the new application is much smoother and lighter. You can download from the App Store.    Galleria.loadTheme ('/ js / Tinhte / Galleria / themes / folio / galleria.folio.min.js'); $ ("# Galleria_846733307"). Galleria ({ imageCrop: false, maxScaleRatio: 1, preload: 3, fullscreenTransition: 'fade' });             Galleria.run ('# galleria_846733307');   ...

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