Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New new style wing edge design helps reduce noise during takeoff / landing aircraft

New new style wing edge design helps reduce noise during takeoff / landing aircraft
Edge of the front wing system Smart Droop Nose with the ability to automatically bend up / break down in order to replace the part of the wing drag. If ever flying and look out the window as the plane takeoff / landing, you can easily see the field stop (Slat) at the edge of the front wing (leading edge) and flaps (flap) at the edge of the wing after (trailing edge) flip open. Wings resistance to airflow from bottom to top through a large gap between the block and wings. Thereby, creating a lifting force necessary for aircraft at low speeds. However, this gap can cause a lot of noise. So, in order to eliminate gaps and reduce noise during takeoff / landing, a group of researchers at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft-und Raumfahrt - DLR) with the Partner at Airbus, EADS Innovation Works and Cassidian Air Systems has successfully developed new front wing edge design style, called Smart Droop Nose.   Accordingly, during the takeoff / landing, the leading edge of the wing will be transformed into different shapes thereby eliminating the use of edges as well as no longer need to gap flow coordination. However, in order to develop new style wing edge design, the researchers encountered many challenges. "On the one hand, its structure needs to be extremely flexible to be able to transform into the required shape., But on the other hand, it should have sufficient stiffness," department leaders DLR - Hans-Peter Monner said. "Finally, the edge of the wing must be about 1/3 the weight of the aircraft during landing."   In addition, the material used to make the wing surface must be thin enough to be able to exploit gas stream classification. Through experimenting with fiberglass and carbon fiber reinforced mixtures commonly used in the aviation industry, DLR realized that glass fiber reinforcement is the most suitable material.     In addition, Smart Droop Nose shows the change in design with the curved outer edge of the wing rather than long claws to reduce the pressure placed on the material. The individual layers are stacked to create a structure that can also be arbitrary distribution. Edge of the wing can change the shape of the actuator and the integrated support elements along the wingspan.   The researchers tested the performance and efficiency of the system in the largest wind tunnel in Europe is located in central aerodynamic research institutes Zhukovsky, south of Moscow. The results show that the edge of the wings can be lowered to 20 degrees to lift almost constant.   Currently, the team continued development designed to meet the industrial conditions such as lightning resistance, thaws and withstand collisions with birds.   P / S: Leading edge - the edge of the front wing is also known as money (the bank) and the trailing edge - the edge of the rear wing is also known as quitting the (drainage shore) in aviation terms. To better understand the operation of the block, flaps, wings back on the wings of the plane, invite you to consider the following diagram:   By: Gizmag ...

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