Thursday, August 2, 2012

comScore: Samsung led the U.S. market, Apple has the highest growth rate

comScore: Samsung led the U.S. market, Apple has the highest growth rate
According to a latest study by comScore, maker Samsung is the largest mobile phone in the U.S. market, the end of Q2 2012. As of June, Samsung holds 25.6% mobile market share, while No. 2 of the LG with 18.8%. Apple has 15.4% market share, second last position in the top 5 of the Motorola (11.7%) and HTC (6.4%). Of the five manufacturers, only Apple and HTC positive growth over the previous quarter, specifically Apple and HTC increased 1.4% up 0.4%. The three remaining names in order to reduce market share, with Motorola lost the most (-1.1%), LG (-0.5%) and Samsung (0.4%).     comScore also analyzed separately smartphone market in the U.S., based on the popular operating systems. At the top, as usual, is Google's Android platform with 51.6%, followed by Apple's IOS (32.4%). This is the second operating system have positive growth in the quarter (IOS Android 1.7% and 0.6%), while the BlackBerry OS, Windows Mobile and Symbian have to get those numbers sound growth . The most serious is RIM's products, down 1.6% compared to last quarter, Symbian and Windows Phone down 0.5% with only very slight decrease of 0.1%.   ComScore's study based on data from 30,000 mobile phone users in the United States. comScore also gives some interesting information about the trend of using mobile phone users, namely the rate of applications and music downloads are increasing, while the message remains the most common tasks mobile phone.   Source: SlashGear

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