Monday, July 30, 2012

[Rumor] Samsung OLED production to compete with 350 ppi Retina

[Rumor] Samsung OLED production to compete with 350 ppi Retina
With Retina screen is fitted on the iPhone, iPad, Macbook Pro Retina and in the near future can be HDTV, Apple is still leading technology companies on the level of user satisfaction with the display quality high. However, U.S. companies will have reason to worry when a South Korean news website has said rival Samsung has begun production of OLED panels display pixel density up to 350 ppi. If this is true it's clear Samsung has achieved a major step forward compared to Apple's Retina technology with the highest density display on the iPhone 4S and only at 326 ppi 264 ppi iPad 2012. According to, a new generation OLED displays will be produced based on a fine metal mesh (Fine Metal Mask - FMM). Currently Korean electronics firms still images using the method of heat induced laser (Laser-Induced Thermal Imaging-lithium) to produce AMOLED panels high resolution, but can the company will soon launch engineering products based on FMM and become the market leader producing quality display in the near future.  Source:

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