Thursday, July 26, 2012

Apple's engineering team is focused on developing new Facebook applications for IOS

Apple's engineering team is focused on developing new Facebook applications for IOS
IOS is an operating system intuitive, sleek, well meet the entertainment needs and work, but when it comes to the ability to connect social networks (especially Facebook) many will probably feel extremely disappointed about it. However, recently there have been some positive signs on the Facebook application on IOS, which previously appeared rumors about Facebook for IOS devices using Apple will improve the speed of a significantly, and now Bloomberg continued to consolidate information by confirming that Apple engineers are focused on developing social networking applications largest planet. The source also said that IOS users will get a small update from Facebook, promises to bring much faster rate, in a few months. In addition, a team of engineers is said, is testing a version of Facebook on a whole new IOS with very large changes to the interface and speed, however the new Facebook is still not ready and the user must wait until next year be able to experience it. Current Facebook applications on IOS is actually HTML5 web-based applications within the crust Objective-C. Na that can understand the content of Facebook on IOS actually displayed via a web browser embedded inside, which is why the page loading speed is slower applications such Facebook. However, this new update will be written entirely by Objective-C language (programming language standard IOS), which promises to increase the strength of Facebook on IOS 6 - Apple operating systems analysis Facebook deep into the system. According to 9to5Mac

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